Youngsters at “NeuroGASTRO 2023”

Today, nothing is more important than networking to build up successful collaborations with scientific output. Therefore, ESNM created the independent young investigator meeting "nEUROgastro TANDEM" to stress the European collaboration of basic and clinical scientists and practitioners in neurogastroenterology. The next "nEUROgastro TANDEM" will be held in Bucharest from September 28 to 30, 2023, prior to our biennial meeting “NeuroGASTRO 2023”.  

Twenty promising young candidates has been selected and were matched. Each team has the mission to compose a translational pilot project. All projects will be presented and discussed during the TANDEM meeting and the best project will be awarded 5000 Euros. A highlight will be the presentation of the best project at the congress "NeuroGASTRO 2023“. This TANDEM meeting is organized by Kristin Elfers (Hannover, Germany) and Chloé Melchior (Rouen, France), with the help of the local committee : Ion Bancila (Bucharest, Romania), Oana-Bogdana Barboi (Iasi, Romania), Anca Dimitriu (Bucharest, Romania) and Radu Alexandru Vulpoi (Iasi Romania).

Detailed information on the programme, which will be presented on September 02 at "NeuoGASTRO 2023" will follow soon on our meeting website

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