ESNM has established the Europe-based Neurogastroenterology meeting „NeuroGASTRO“ every two years alternating to the Joint international meetings. This significant meeting brings together leading experts and emerging young investigators actively involved in neurogastroenterology, digestive motility and functional gastrointestinal diseases from Europe and from all around the world to discuss cutting-edge research.
Review NeuroGASTRO 2023
The biennial meeting NeuroGASTRO 2023 took place in Bucharest, Romania from August 31th to September 2nd, 2023.
Close to 500 delegates from over 46 countires attended the biennial NeuroGASTRO 2023 meeting in Bucharest from Aug 31st to Sept 2nd, with the excitement palpable as we returned to a face-to-face meeting for the first time since 2019. Key opinion leaders presented the state-of-the-art developments in the field of Neurogastroenterology and Motility. It was particularly inspiring to see the quality and breadth of topics presented by young scientists, via both oral and poster presentations. The associated Postgraduate Course provided participants with a comprehensive practice-oriented of the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal motility and functional disorders. A Hands-on Course for gastrointestinal manometry and functional investigations was an innovative new addition to the programme.
The outstanding programme stood under the motto of “Advancing understanding and management in Neurogastroenterology and Motility” and included challenging and rewarding discussions about mechanisms underlying normal and disordered gastrointestinal function, pain mechanisms and visceral hypersensitivity, the role of the microbiome and diet in health and disease, dietary interventions, mechanisms and diagnostic techniques in food intolerance, disorders of gut-brain interaction in health and disease, and technologies for the assessment of gastrointestinal motility and perception. A special moment in the opening ceremony was the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award to Professor Paul Enck (Germany), with a further highlight being the mini-concert from the Romanian Medical Doctor Chamber Orchestra.
The meeting once again served to highlight ESNM as the number one European representative of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, with clear take home message being how well the affiliated societies worked successfully together to deliver such a high-quality meeting. Special acknowledgement must go to the local organisers, Vasile Drug and Dan Dumitrescu, who excelled in the role of hosts and were excellent ambassadors for the Romanian Society of Neurogastroenterology. Magnus Simren is also to be commended in his expert guidance and leadership of a very engaged scientific committee. It was also gratifying to see return of in person networking between young and experienced researchers and clinicians, and the meeting was a great forum for the continued development and visibility of the Neurogastroenterology and Motility field. I’m sure we are all eager to join the next chapter of this now well-established European event, which will be hosted by Qasim Aziz in 2025 in London. See you there!
Awardees NeuroGASTRO 2023
Each year, the ESNM biennial meeting Scientific Committee recognizes the highest scoring abstracts. There are three overall highest scoring abstract prizes and five Young Investigator Awards, and we extend our sincere congratulations to this year's winners.
BEST CLINICAL ABSTRACT: Chung Hyun Tae, South Korea
“Association of Moderate-Intensity and Vigorous-Intensity Physical Activity on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease"
BEST BASIC SCIENCE ABSTRACT: Rodrigue Brossaud, France
“Gut Amyloid-ß Impairs Enteric Nervous System and Causes Gastro-intestinal Dysfunctions in Alzheimer’s Disease Model”
BEST TRANSLATIONAL ABSTRACT: Thomaz FS Bastiaanssen, Ireland
“Kronos: Circadian Rhythmicity Analysis in Microbiome and other ‘omics Datasets”
Constanza Alcaino, United Kingdom
"Regulation of 5-HT secretion from human duodenal enterochromaffin cells"
Anisa Choudhary, United Kingdom
"Disorders of gut-brain interaction in patients with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome / Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders: Characterisation of co-morbidities and quality of life"
Sophia Mayr, Germany
"Mechanosensitive enteric neurons in the guinea pig stomach"
Heithem Soliman, France
"Small bowel dysmotility on manometric evaluation is an independent predictor of mortality"
Annelies Verheyden, Belgium
“Naloxegol restores codeine-induced inhibition of high-amplitude propagating contractions and increase of retrograde contractions in a randomized, three-way crossover colonic high-resolution manometry study in healthy volunteers"
Abstract Supplement
Neurogastroenterology & Motility: Volume 35, Special Issue: NeuroGASTRO 2023Past European Events
Check out below for a listing of our previous European meetings. You have access the meeting programme from each conference link below.