Young investigator meeting "TANDEM"
Today, nothing is more important than networking to buildup successful collaborations with scientific output. Therefore, ESNM created the independent young investigator meeting "nEUROgastro TANDEM" to stress the European collaboration of basic and clinical scientists and practitioners in neurogastroenterology.
TANDEM chairs

Chloé Melchior
Univ. Rouen Normandie and CHU Rouen, France

Kristin Elfers
University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, GERMANY
Upcoming meeting
We are pleased to announce that our next nEUROgastro TANDEM will take place prior to NeuroGASTRO 2025, to be held in London, United Kingdom.
The meeting will be organized by the TANDEM chairs and the current local hosts in the United Kingdom: Reuma Yehuda Margalit, Fiona Tudehope, Ruqaya Idrees, and Ebad Ul Haq (all from the Wingate Institute, Queen Mary University London), as well as Ismaeel Aurangzeb (Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals).
- Application opens: February 01, 2025
- Deadline for application: March 31, 2025
- Announcements of Attendees: May 05, 2025
- YIM TANDEM: September 02-03, 2025
If you have any questions in advance about our Young Investigator Programme, please send an email to
ESNM offers companies the opportunity to become sponsors of nEUROgastro TANDEM 2025 in London.
This independent young investigator meeting is a highly competitive meeting, addressing young European scientists with a clinical and basic scientific background from the field of Neurogastroenterology. The event takes place the 2 days prior to NeuroGASTRO 2025, in London UK. Around 20 promising participants will be selected, half from basic science and half from the medical field. Its goal is to reinforce the networking in Gastroenterology and build the future of Neurogastroenterology and Motility.
Most participants from the nEUROgastro TANDEM 2023 are now part of the young ESNM group, a new ESNM initiative that aims to integrate young, promising medical and basic scientists from the field of Neurogastroenterology and Motility into the unique network of the ESNM. Four of them are young representative at the ESNM steering committee helping in the daily activities of the society and executing decision.
If you are interested in becoming a partner of this event, please contact our treasurer Daniel Pohl, who can be reached via our office email
Applications in English language are accepted from candidates who meet the following criteria:
- Currently work in a European country in the field of Neurogastroenterology or are interested to develop their career towards this field.
- Have completed MD or PhD degree or are in the last year thereof.
- Are 35 years old or younger on 1 January in the year of application, unless exceptional circumstances have significantly delayed career progression. Please note: For female candidates with children the age limit of 35 is automatically extended by one year per child.
- Researchers from East European countries and North Africa are encouraged to apply to reach out to those with little scientific infrastructure.
- An abstract has to be submitted to the ESNM meeting and attendance is required.
- Former TANDEM participants can apply again.
The nEUROgastro TANDEM meeting is a highly competitive meeting, addressing European scientists with clinical and basic background. The meeting’s leitmotif is translational research: connect basic science to clinical expertise. After a selection process, ten MD and ten PhD applicants will be chosen and paired up three months prior to the meeting. Each team will be mentored by one member of the organizing committee.
Teams are requested to come up with a translational pilot & feasibility project proposal that they must introduce in a 20-min presentation at the TANDEM meeting. Projects will be discussed with all participants and scored. The project/team with the highest score will get funding of 5000 Euro that is intended as start-up money with the goal to lead to an independent grant. The modalities of payment are planned as a reimbursement bound to data presentation required at the next European NeuroGASTRO Meeting. The TANDEM Meeting will be summarized in one of the sessions at NeuroGASTRO as well as highlighted in Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology.
Young investigator meeting nEUROgastro TANDEM during NeuroGASTRO 2019 in Lisbon.
"nEUROgastro TANDEM 2023" in Bucharest
As it was the aim for the past TANDEM meetings, also the 4th nEUROgastro TANDEM meeting in 2023 was creating a platform for building up successful collaborations, reinforcing the cross-talk between clinical and basic research and creating a European network of young investigators and bring together a new set of valuable expertise to discover new knowledge in the scientific field of Neurogastroenterology. Announced by the respective National Neurogastro Societies, GENIEUR network and ESNM, the nEUROgastro TANDEM meeting 2023 was held at Sir Royal Hotel in Bucharest, from August 28 to 30.
The organizing committee, headed by Chloé Melchior (MD, PhD, University Rouen Normandie, Gastroenterology Department and CIC CRB 1404, Rouen France) and Kristin Elfers (VMD, PhD, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Foundation, Germany), supported by a local team (Ion Bancila, MD PhD and Anca Dimitriu, MD, PhD from Fundeni Clinical Institute, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Bucharest; Oana-Bogdana Bărboi, MD PhD and Radu Alexandru Vulpoi MD from the Department of Gastroenterology, Institute of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Iasi, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa Iasi) and under the adversative umbrella of Prof. Dr. Vasile Drug (ESNM steering committee member) has selected twenty participants originating from 10 European countries and being at different career stage and levels of education. The selection process was based on the applicants’ presented grade of motivation to engage themselves in a brainstorming project, their track records and reference letters. Thus, ten MDs were matched with ten PhD students according to their indicated main field of scientific/clinical interest, three months prior to the meeting. Each team was mentored by one member of the organizing committee, who advised them on how to design a translational research project based on common interests and available methods and the budget of 5,000€ and gave feedback on risen project ideas and preliminary presentations.
Finally, each team came up with a 20-minute presentation of their study at the nEUROgastro TANDEM meeting 2023. All presented projects were scored by the participants and the organizing committee, according to the following criteria: (1) innovativeness, (2) feasibility, (3) methodology, (4) budget planning, (5) presentation and (6) teamwork. The maximum budget to spent for each project was 5,000 €, which corresponded to the amount awarded, by ENMS, to the highest-evaluated winner project. This price money is intended as a start-up budget to be used by the winning team to generate the preliminary data necessary to apply for further grants.
In addition, the winning team had the opportunity to present their study its impact, novelty and potential during during the TANDEM session taking place at the main Meeting of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility - NeuroGASTRO 2023 - at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bucharest, Romania, from August 31 to September 2.

On behalf of the entire organizing committee, we would like to congratulate Mr. Lukas Balsiger (MD, PhD) and Ms. Ariadna Aguilar Cayuelas (MD, PhD), for convincingly combining their knowledge and ideas towards the creation of an innovative investigation study entitled: “Wheat effect on rectal mucosa of IBS patients: immune activation and clinical correlation”.
The scientific questions raised in the study outline, will be addressed in Lukas and Ariadna’s working countries, which are Belgium and Spain, respectively, including mutual visits. We are convinced that Lukas and Ariadna will present first promising results of their joined project at the next European NeuroGASTRO Meeting - organized in London, UK, in 2025.
The nEUROgastro TANDEM organizing committee would like to particularly acknowledge the participation of Dr. Florencia Carbone and Prof. Qasim Aziz as invited senior speaker to the meeting, thanking them for their inspiring talks, which showed us how a successful career in the field of Neurogastroenterology can be developed and how to outstanding achievements can be reached.
Feedback given by all TANDEM participants by an anonymous survey, which results are partly presented in the figure below, clearly showed that all of them greatly appreciated and enjoyed the time spent together, highlighted the importance of this event for their scientific and personal development and indicated that they would recommend this event to other people.
Finally, in order to maintain the connections made during the TANDEM meeting and to establish further fruitful collaborations beyond it, the organizing committee will establish a group on “DocMatter”. This is an internet-enabled and human-supported collaboration platform for medical specialists to bring the structure of in-person learning online and the nEUROgastro TANDEM group will be under the umbrella of the already existing ESNM DocMatter group, enabling set up of collaborations, lively exchange, online educational events and engagement of young, promising (clinical) scientists within the field of Neurogastroenterology, particularly the ESNM in a long run.