Two I-NGM Meetings in 2022

We are pleased to update that during June-July 2022 the I-NGM had two important meetings. The first was a 2-days annual meeting of I-NGM that took place in Nazareth city from June 30th -July 1st. The second was the semi-annual meeting of the Israeli Association of Gastroenterology (IGA) that took place in Tel Aviv on July 19th. The focus of the NGM meeting in Nazareth was esophageal diseases, particularly GERD: non-PPI treatments and EoE. The scientific program was very rich and included almost 15 lectures and abstracts presentations delivered by leading national and international experts. Among zoom and face to face lecturers we would like to mention Edoardo Savarino on functional heartburn and new metrics to assess GERD, Ronnie Fass on P-Cabs and Stretta, Joerg Zehetner on GERD, Javier Infante-Molina on EoE and much more. We also included social activities such as faculty dinner and city tour. More than 120 participants attended physically the conference. It was a very successful and important scientific event and we have received positive feedbacks from participants, lecturers and supporting pharma companies as well. The semi-annual meeting of IGA included 75-minutes session dedicated to I-NGM (CIPO, EoE – Type 2 inflammation & novel treatments and Endoflip - clinical use).   

Currently, we are organizing the next event: I-NGM in association with the Rome Foundation - Board of Directors at the beginning of November 2022. Ami Sperber prepared a super interesting meeting and we won a half day dedicated only to us.

Prof. Ram Dickman, The Israeli Neurogastroenterology & Motility Group

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