Annual Meeting: ASENEM, Spain

After a year of restrictions and virtual meetings, last 19th-20th November we celebrated the XXIX ASENEM (Asociación Española de Neurogastroenterología y Motilidad) Annual Meeting in Zaragoza. The meeting was preceded by a postgraduate course on Neurogastroenterology and Motility addressed to Gastroenterology Trainees. For 2 days, the most relevant topics in Neurogastroenterolgy and Motility were reviewed by a faculty of experts from all around Spain. The course included lectures and practical seminars in reduced groups to promote discussion and direct interaction between the attendees and the experts. Fifty-two trainees attended the postgraduate course.

After closing the postgraduate course, the program of the main meeting started with the esophageal section, including an exhaustive review of new Chicago Classification and its implications in our motility units, the evaluation of esophago-gastric junction (EGJ) compliance in eosinophilic esophagitis, and the utility of EGJ measurements in GORD. Then, real-life controversies in irritable bowel syndrome and constipation were exposed. The first day also included an amazing state of the art lecture by Maura Corsetti, who presented the differences in colonic motility patterns elicited by different laxatives, out-lining a new approach to a personalized management of chronic constipation. To end the first meeting day, controversial cases where POEM was performed out of guidelines recommendations were presented.

The second day started with a session of oral abstract presentations of original research studies. Thereafter, the role of diets in functional gastrointestinal disorders was reviewed, followed by a discussion on severe functional dyspepsia and weight loss that included the gastroenterologist and the psychiatrist point of view. To close the meeting, a lecture about chronic pelvic pain and the use of ano-rectal manometry was presented.

With 150 presential attendees, more than 100 virtual registered attendees and 19 national and international speakers, this meeting has successfully accomplished the attendance expectations, enjoying again a face-to-face experience.

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