Acknowledging Excellence in Science – Awardees of NeuroGASTRO 2023

Each year, the ESNM biennial meeting Scientific Committee recognizes the highest scoring abstracts.  There are three overall highest scoring abstract prizes and another five Young Investigator Awards, and we extend our sincere congratulations to this year's winners of "NeuroGASTRO 2023" in Bucharest:

Best Clinical Abstract: Chung Hyun Tae, South Korea
“Association of Moderate-Intensity and Vigorous-Intensity Physical Activity on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease"

Best Translational Abstract: Thomaz FS Bastiaanssen, Ireland
“Kronos: Circadian Rhythmicity Analysis in Microbiome and other ‘omics Datasets”

Best Basic Science Abstract: Rodrigue Brossaud, France
“Gut Amyloid-ß Impairs Enteric Nervous System and Causes Gastro-intestinal Dysfunctions in Alzheimer’s Disease Model”


Constanza Alcaino, United Kingdom
"Regulation of 5-HT secretion from human duodenal enterochromaffin cells"

Anisa Choudhary, United Kingdom
"Disorders of gut-brain interaction in patients with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome / Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders: Characterisation of co-morbidities and quality of life"

Sophia Mayr, Germany
"Mechanosensitive enteric neurons in the guinea pig stomach"

Heithem Soliman, France
"Small bowel dysmotility on manometric evaluation is an independent predictor of mortality"

Annelies Verheyden, Belgium
“Naloxegol restores codeine-induced inhibition of high-amplitude propagating contractions and increase of retrograde contractions in a randomized, three-way crossover colonic high-resolution manometry study in healthy volunteers"

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