Online Meeting

nEUROgastro TANDEM (ESNM Young Investigator Meeting)

Are you the most promising and innovative young researcher in Europe? The TANDEM Young Investigator meeting committee is looking for you. Apply to be a nEUROgastro TANDEM Young Investigator!

Date and location:
The nEUROgastro TANDEM meeting will take place ONLINE on August 31 and September 1, 2021, prior to VIRTUAL NeuroGASTRO 2021

This ESNM Young Investigator Meeting is an excellent opportunity for international contacts for young scientists and clinicians.


As Europe is growing together, new doors are opening for young investigators. Setting international collaborations, elaborating common projects and team work are the basis to make good science. The nEUROgastro TANDEM meeting is a novel format of independent young investigator meeting focused on these topics.

This highly competitive meeting is addressing European scientists with clinical and basic background. The meeting’s leitmotif is translational research: connect basic science to clinical expertise. After a selection process, ten MD and ten PhD applicants will be chosen and paired up three months prior to the meeting. Each team will be mentored by one member of the organizing committee. Teams are requested to come up with a translational pilot & feasibility project proposal that they must introduce in a 20-min presentation at the TANDEM meeting. Projects will be discussed with all participants and scored. The project/team with the highest score will get funding of 5000 Euro that is intended as start-up money with the goal to lead to an independent grant.

The modalities of payment are planned as a reimbursement bound to data presentation required at the next European NeuroGASTRO Meeting. The TANDEM Meeting will be summarized in one of the sessions at VIRTUAL NeuroGASTRO 2021 as well as highlighted in Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology.

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